Cutting-Edge Technology for You to Work With
We are incurable technology enthusiasts and we spend tens of millions on the development of new technologies every year, which we are able to afford thanks to the size of our company. Our technology is easy to control and people of all generations find it convenient.

We Are First to Sign Documents on iPad
We are the only ones in the market to have the BioSign technology available, which enables us and our clients to sign and fill out documents or contracts on iPad.
Brok Application
Brok is our principal application for iPad. Whatever you and your clients enter in it is synchronized across all of our other systems. With the help of Brok, we are able to present financial planning, as well as real estate in an interactive manner that is easy to understand for everyone.
Našeptávač (“Whisperer” in Czech) – Data Analysis at Your Service
CRM system, thanks to which we are able to provide top-notch service to our clients. Based on data analysis, but also just on simple “comments” we know exactly what a client needs and when.
Be-on-Line or Comparison Tool and Contract Arrangement Tool
Be-on-line quickly compares the options available on the market and reliably recommends the perfect result to the client.
The superior REX system administers all of our clients’ real estate listings for sale and types of properties that our clients are looking to buy. It makes it possible for the entire real estate transaction to be managed reliably, and even brings in new clients.
Exclusive Products
Only in Broker Consulting will you find the exclusive products that your clients will not find anywhere else – OK Double plus and OK Smart ETF.
Team You Can Count On
Do you know what the one thing people worry about the most is when starting out in our profession? That they will not be able to orientate themselves in the new field. It is obvious that nowadays, high professional standards are expected from both consultants and managers alike. But that is precisely why we have more than 100 employees in Broker Consulting. We work “together”, everyone is always able to turn to someone for help.
We provide analytical, professional, administrative and legal service.
You can turn to the seven-member Analytics Department, five-member Real Estate Department, and more than 10 lawyers who are experts in the real estate business. A huge chunk of administrative work and communication with financial institutions is in turn the responsibility of the employees of our Pilsen Backoffice. Systems and innovations are developed by our strong IT and Development Department. Our Customer Care Centre (call centre) is responsible for professional communication with our clients.
Compliance Support – New and Very Important Phenomenon
Several-member Compliance Department is in charge of top-notch implementation of the law and the regulations of the Czech National Bank. To our clients we represent a guarantee that they know where to turn to, and that any service we provide is always backed by the strong Broker Consulting brand. We are also one of the founding members of the Union of Financial Intermediary and Consulting Companies (Unie společností finančního zprostředkování a poradenství), which transformed into the newly founded Czech Association of Financial Counselling and Intermediary Companies (Česká asociace společností finančního poradenství a zprostředkování) in 2018. The association not only monitors, but also participates in the commentary proceedings in the development of new legal regulations. For our co-operators this facilitates access to essential information well in advance.

Exclusive Products
Only in Broker Consulting will you find the exclusive products that your clients will not find anywhere else – OK Double plus and OK Smart ETF.
Team You Can Count On
Do you know what the one thing people worry about the most is when starting out in our profession? That they will not be able to orientate themselves in the new field. It is obvious that nowadays, high professional standards are expected from both consultants and managers alike. But that is precisely why we have 120 employees in Broker Consulting. We work “together”, everyone is always able to turn to someone for help.
We provide analytical, professional, administrative and legal service.
You can turn to the seven-member Analytics Department, five-member Real Estate Department, and 6 lawyers who are experts in the real estate business. A huge chunk of administrative work and communication with financial institutions is in turn the responsibility of the employees of our Pilsen Backoffice. Systems and innovations are developed by our strong IT and Development Department. Our Customer Care Centre (call centre) is responsible for professional communication with our clients.
Compliance Support – New and Very Important Phenomenon
Our four-member Compliance Department is in charge of top-notch implementation of the law and the regulations of the Czech National Bank. To our clients we represent a guarantee that they know where to turn to, and that any service we provide is always backed by the strong Broker Consulting brand. We are also one of the founding members of the Union of Financial Intermediary and Consulting Companies (Unie společností finančního zprostředkování a poradenství), which transformed into the newly founded Czech Association of Financial Counselling and Intermediary Companies (Česká asociace společností finančního poradenství a zprostředkování) in 2018. The association not only monitors, but also participates in the commentary proceedings in the development of new legal regulations. For our co-operators this facilitates access to essential information well in advance.